Previously Ray had worked in the investment arena with Shearson, then Smith Barney. Prior to retirement in 2010, he headed up a five person team which managed five hundred million in assets from Basel Switzerland to Okinawa. During that 41 year career, he specialized in setting goals, developing strategies, and over all asset allocation. He also worked closely with the investment banking division and maintains his relationships in financing for needs from 1-250 million dollars. He was ranked in the top 5% of the firm for 27 years.
After taking five months off in 2010, Ray decided he needed to re-engage. He entered the Commercial Real Estate field that year and has remained focused on the same type of client needs, but in an entirely different field. This industry has allowed Ray to continue many of the relationships he built over the forty one years. Now he has nine years of experience in the industrial, multi-family, land development, and overall real investment arena He builds his relationships on knowledge, service and experience.